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The Hebron Historical Society

Hebron, Connecticut

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Historical Society Presents Program on One-Room Schoolhouse Education on April 18

On April 18th at 7:30 p.m., educational expert and publisher Michael Day will give a presentation entitled, “The One Room Schoolhouse: What Was It Really Like?” at the Old Town Hall on 26 Main Street in Hebron.

gull schoolhouse mar 2012 edHebron's one-room Gull SchoolhouseUsing a variety of first hand accounts and original records, Mr. Day will explore what education was like in the 19th century. He will address many of the basic questions people typically have about the one room schoolhouse, with an emphasis on schools and school conditions in this area.  Topics such as curriculum, books, discipline, class size, length of school days and years and teacher training, pay and living arrangements will be discussed.

Mr. Day will also provide tips for those who like to do their own research, demonstrating and explaining readily available informational resources on early American schools.

Michael Day is the author of four books and numerous articles about 19th century education and one room schoolhouses.  The retired high school principal and college instructor is the Curator of The Barkhamsted Historical Society’s One Room Schoolhouse.  He is also the owner and publisher of Clippership Publications, a company that produces reproductions of early schoolbooks for museum shops around the country.  

The program, hosted by The Hebron Historical Society, is free and the general public is invited to attend.  So please come and bring a friend on April 18th.  For more information about Hebron history and other activities and programs of the Hebron Historical Society, visit our web site, www.hebronhistoricalsociety.org.