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The Hebron Historical Society

Hebron, Connecticut

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Amston Lake’s Fascinating Past is Topic of Historical Society Program

zimmermans amston lake

Amston Lake’s Fascinating Past is Topic of Historical Society Program

The President of the Amston Lake Historical Society, Larry Zimmerman, will be featured at The Hebron Historical Society's Thursday, Sept. 18th meeting. The meeting will be held at Old Town Hall on the Hebron Green, beginning at 7:00, with Zimmerman's presentation to start at 7:30.

Zimmerman will discuss early years of Amston Lake from its Indian occupation on through the early nineteen hundreds. Between talking to old residents to spending much time in libraries, historical societies and town halls, he has spent years researching Amston Lake's rich history. Zimmerman authored The Turner Legacy: A History of Amston Lake. As with the book, his presentation will be filled with information, pictures and anecdotes. Those in attendance will learn how early settlers acquired the land, how the land itself has changed through the years, how Turnerville and its manufacturing community was established, how Turnerville became Amston, how the Airline Railroad was built, and establishment of other businesses with dependence on the rails.

Prior to Zimmerman's talk, will be an opportunity to meet and greet each other. Also on the agenda will be the brief annual meeting of The Hebron Historical Society at which Officers and Directors will be elected for this coming year, as well as Treasurer, Bob Gonci's report of the past year. The slate of candidates shall include President – Mary-Ellen Gonci, Vice President – Jean Cyr, Secretary – Andrea Lattanzi, Past President – Helen Reardon, Historian – Mary Ann Foote and Directors – Carolyn Aubin, Anne Marie Piggott, and Larry Zimmerman. Programs are free to members and contributions, which are used for our building maintenance and other expenses, are greatly appreciated.