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The Hebron Historical Society

Hebron, Connecticut

Enjoy Hebron - It's Here To Stay ™

Hebron CT Pump

Kinney Road to the Church of the Holy Family

This land was the first land settled by Euro Americans before Hebron became a town. For several years this area was Hebron’s Center. Further down Route 85 where Old Colchester Road branches off was the location of a block house for protection. Later that area would be owned by Don Juan Lanares, a Latin American ship captain who married locally.

William Shipman owned the land on the east side of Route 85. In 1702 he was granted three home lots as an investor with the Saybrook Proprietors who had been granted the land Hebron stands upon by the Mohegan Indigenous sachem Joshua or Attawanhood in 1676. Land was not free for settling. Those who acquired land early received large tracts of land in the form of home lots, 100 acre lots and meadow lots. Shortly after settling in Hebron, William Shipman sold off some of his land to the Phelps family.

In 1845 the foundation of William Shipman’s house was discovered. It has now been paved over for the sidewalk.

Think about it.

Ever since Hebron was settled, the land has been divided up and sold in ever decreasing size. Do you think Hebron will ever become a city where building cover all of the land the are built on with no green space between?

Where to go next.

This ends the Church Street / Route 85 QR Tour Loop. If you return to Hebron Center, you can explore loops along Marjorie Circle, the north side of Hebron Green or the south side of Hebron Green.

Meet Your Neighbors QR Tours funded by the Hebron Greater Together Community Fund in conjunction with the Hebron Historical Society